“Arguably, we live now in the most frightening and exciting time in collective human history. Never before have we been so connected. So technically capable. Accumulated so much knowledge. Yet moved so far from our natural inclinations and needs. We are setting ourselves up for not only our own, but a large majority of life’s demise.”
W E N E E D Y O U . . .
The problems we recognise today in a modern globalised society such as environmental destruction, global pandemics, perpetual war, inequality, poverty, starvation, extreme individualism, nationalism, de-education in the developed world, lack of access in the developing world and the current crisis of human identity, as real as they are, ARE NOT the route of the problems we face. They are merely symptoms of incorrect or unresolved fundamental beliefs that have evolved directly from our history and shaped our dominant governance and socioeconomic systems so far.
There is another way and it is now
Thousands of years of isolated clan-like cultural and technological evolution has brought us to a precipice of identity and sustainability. A human-designed all-powerful all-consuming socioeconomic model intended to guide us to self-realization, now controls us, seemingly forevermore outside of our control. Society & community have eroded into extreme individualism. Life has been commodified. Abhorrent behaviours celebrated, leaving an apathetic and disengaged humanity that has chosen to look the other way.
Fortunately, a gigantic shift in perspective is underway. Emerging for decades, this shift only now has true implementable potential. Increased cross-cultural connectedness. The feasibility of abundance through technology. A growing social discontent suddenly offers incredible hope and possibility. We can see that our current socioeconomic system no longer serves us fairly and is inherently unsustainable. It does not meet the collective aspirations of a single humanity. Although the challenges are considerable, there is an alternative...
Look . the other Way.
Welcome to a source of information for collaboration and action. There are a ton of sites and organizations out there reminding us of the terrible realities of the world today. That is not us. As with countless great thinkers today, you may have reached the conclusion that although these problems are complex... much of their manifestation can be traced back to our socioeconomic system. Rather than reminding you of, and reinforcing the problems, we at L.toW provide an emerging alternative from an optimistic perspective. We present understandings and solutions.
Read further and if inspired, please join us in forming dedicated teams to bring about change.