A good question?
Tesla closing the loop
To the ends of the Earth
Choosing to live differently.
"We took a look at our choices and began to wonder, how many of those choices were choices we had made and we realised, none of it."
Could you ever imagine a world with no money
“We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them ”
Do you ever wonder if we have limited our ability to resolve the problems in the world by not seeing that one of our strongest held belief systems may in fact be the route cause of them? There is such an optimistic future within hands reach where social and environmental concerns would be would be resolved as an integral part of living. We think we have a viable path to that possibility. Check out our main site: www.looktheotherway.net
Zero Marginal Cost Society
As this is the inevitability of technology, the system of social organisation needs a full reimagining... Our work at LOOK.theotherway is a to facilitate that shift within the existing system today.
How you can assess your business for it's values rather than value
Although not an alternative socioeconomic system per se, this is an example of the sort of important work being done out there to nurture better practices and create responsible & desirable places of work. If you have a business and are of conscious mind, how about challenging yourself to an audit to see where you stand... and in their words -
“The Economy for the Common Good (ECG) is an alternative economic system built on values that promote the needs of the entire population. It is a tool for economic, political, and social change – a bridge to a better future.
On the economic level the ECG is a viable and workable alternative for businesses of diverse sizes and legal structures. Its goal is to evaluate the management success of businesses based on values oriented towards promoting the common good.
On the political level the movement seeks to bring about changes to current legislation. The overarching goal is to ensure a good life for all living things and for the planet as a whole, supported by a sustainable economic system. Human dignity, global fairness and solidarity, ecological sustainability, social justice, and democratic participation are at the top of the agenda.
On the social level the ECG is an initiative to raise awareness for systemic change that seeks to motivate as many people as possible to cooperative, conscientious action.
The Economy for the Common Good is a source of hope and courage and strives to cooperate with other movements for economic, social and environmental justice.
It is an open, participative process with a grassroots structure and a global scope. ”
When you know that change is afoot
First Followers Spur Change
In the same way that early adopters create trend, first followers spur change when ideas may at first seem crazy and ridiculous... in time it's the ones that did not change that look ridiculous.