the team
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the objective
This is Look. the other way's largest, most significant and most ambitious project. For the expansion and connection of all our initiatives, when completed this project will be the brain, the backbone, the nervous system... and the foundation and facilitator of the shift, the infrastructure for change as noted within our SYSTEM page. The objective is to devise a singular real-time democratic online based resource management and social capital assessment platform for the record of NBR earnings and usage. For this single system to become a reality, five large individual projects will need to be undertaken simultaneously with an extremely efficient communication and collaboration between each projects findings and developments.
These projects are:
Intensive Algorithm Theory & Parameters Testing and adaptation to suit all areas of algorithmic use
online resource reporting application for the objective of data inputs for the algorithm to operate
online real-time voting application for the subjective data inputs for the algorithm to operate
personal social trust asessement application to ensure fair and supported democratic participation
consolidated algorithmic calculator to manage all nbr earned/used & to provide social and environmental balance reports
why this project
- To simplify and streamline algorithmic participation
- To provide a platform for collaborative team building
- To provide a single location for highly skilled workers/teams in specialist fields for remote project participation
- To provide an individual with a verified skills history
To facilitate and bring to life such a drastic perception change to the current universally accepted systems of commerce and resource management, a simple application would be the most effective method to incetivise participation and understanding.
To best aid in the understanding of new concepts that have never been seen before, a careful balance of familiarity, ingenuity, clarity, participation and real or intellectual reward will be needed. We see the recent revolution in self-determined social and commerce applications as the first step towards something altogether more immediate, participatory and democratic.
As with the ocean of institutions responsible societies function today, this app would ultimately be the replacement of those cumbersome disconnected bureaucracies.
An ambitious project like this cannot be achieved in a single stage. It is important that we set a definitive end objective, but start with innovative smaller parts. It is also important that we develop these first parts as a useful platform operating in the current system that aids in our lives today.
As the nature of the workplace and working methods are changing incredibly fast in many creative and technical sectors, it seems intuitive to develop a platform where individuals can pick up money paying work in a transparent and fair way increasing individuals freedoms. Consolidating the innovations of a number of existing platforms whilst embracing these changes could offer individuals a sustaining income, be a resource for team building and skills and offer skills to projects or businesses more efficiently at a lower cost.
We are looking for Project Managers, Programmers, Graphic Designers, Mathematicians, Specialized Industry HR Managers, Business Creatives, Sociologists and others to develop the this concept further.
Understanding and believing in the ethos of L.toW will be vital in realizing this project and offering your participation. Although there will be a need to earn money in todays system sustain participants, the alternative socioeconomic system will always be the core of focus in any decision making progress. Earning NBR will run parallel to the earning of money from the outset when avenues for redeeming NBR emerge. Blockchain could be the utilised.
Building the Team
To follow
The project will operate as a Startup with the initial project outline being devised by the first team members as a collective. Out of the initial plan and desired outcome will develop a timescale and funding requirements.
As the the L.toW ethos revolves around the principle of the collective commons, it would be counter-intuitive to develop a model intended to attract large investors as any profit making is intended for reinvestment into L.toW pure algorithmic projects. Crowd-funding will not offer a direct return to contributors in the same way a physical product might. Crowd-funding may work for those ethically supportive of this sort of social development.
Philanthropic contributions may be a possible avenue, although would require individuals or groups already interested in a social evolution of this nature.
Avenues for further developmental funding would be one of the first points of discussion once a dedicated team has emerged and a consolidated objective has been outlined.
To follow
project diary
date here
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