“This is where we promote projects within the L.toW ethos for the development of an alternative economic structure. The intention is to build ethical business models that operate within the current system, feeding revenue into projects that operate fully within the in the Algorithmic innovation. The reality of the systems today is that just about everything on earth has been capitalized. We believe that in order to shift to an alternative model, debt free capital will need to be reassigned through the existing economic system.
— LOOK. the other way
detailed project documents in pdf
LOOK.app - Detailed Project Concept Overview - Click here to request PDF Document
ECOCONOMY - Detailed Project Concept Overview - Click here to request PDF Document
ROOMbyROOM - Detailed Project Concept Overview - Click here to request PDF Document
the mechanism
→ Devise Broad Enterprise Concept
→ Build Engaged Team
→ Thoroughly Plan & Perform Ethics Assessment
→ Secure Necessary Startup Funding and/or Resources
→ Begin Work
→ Portion Income to Sustain Participants at a Low Consumption Lifestyle and to Sustain Enterprise
→ Portion all Excess Income for Donation to Secondary Non-Profit L.toW Enterprises Operating Within The ALGORITHM
how we work
Income generating collaboratives will operate as cooperative non-profit entities. What this means. Individuals will collaborate in an area of impassioned interest and where previous work experience offers grounding for further fulfilment. Income will be generated to cover a low consumption lifestyle in the form of a salary or profit share for participants at any given location in the world. The business will operate to best practices and follow the philosophy of L.toW in its output.
All profits over and above the expenses of the team and associated costs for business sustainability will be offered up in the form of donation to an elected new-system non-profit collaborative enterprise working outside of the financial system. The algorithmic innovation as its base. These models will be setup as charities or similar locally relevant legal entities that will not only support its participants, but more importantly work to promote the system as it contributes considerably to its immediate community.
The goal here is for proliferation through the acquisition of capitalised resources, then the reassignment of capital and participant access in line with a new highly considered system.
Join us in this highly ambitious project and be part of something never seen before.
“If you are the sort of person that will take personal responsibility for the failures yet share the spotlight for the successes, then it is you that we... and the world needs”
income generating enterprises
Do you dread the end of your weekend? Do you question the meaning of your work in the context of living? Do you value quality and integrity in your work more than the paycheque? Do you long to strike a life balance? Are you skilled and experienced yet aspire to more than an ordinary life? Do you wish nothing more than to make a mindful impact in this world? If your basic living costs were covered, would you jump at the chance to be part of something bigger than yourself?
You are exactly the sort of person we need to build and grow stand-alone income generating enterprises under the L.toW umbrella. We are looking for people wishing to start income generating businesses that embody the values of cooperation, freedom, quality, sustainability and social relevance. Whether you're a creative, an entrepreneur, an accountant, an engineer, a farmer, a lawyer or a builder... we need you.
There is a catch... you will need to have reached the realisation that something significant has to be done about the impact we are inflicting on this world, and taken some steps in making a difference. You do not need to be vegan or live in a forest off little more than berries and a breeze... but you will need to be conscious of your consumption and have begun to let your financial commitments reflect this. If you've made some progress in rejecting the current socioeconomic narrative, we would love to hear from you.
Above is an example of the sort of structure we envisage as a starting point for income generating business models looking only at the allocation of NET PROFIT. These figures assume profit and account for funds available after the deduction of operating expenses.
new system cooperative enterprises
Do you despair at what the socioeconomic model is doing to people and the planet? Do you long for another way? Do you wish you could live a life more connected to your environment and our true needs? Do you have honed skills in collaboration, being self-sustainable and self-motivated? If not, do you wish to learn those skills? Are you ready for a major shift in the way you live your life... or wish to take your shift to the next level? Do you believe in collaborative consumption and cooperation? Do you believe that our technological progress has a place in an environmentally conscious future? So do we...!
We need you! We are looking for strong and ambitious ideas to start projects working outside of the current financial system. These enterprises will be non-profit entities supported through alternative channels of debt-free finance. Be they crowd sourced funding or donations through income generating enterprises under L.toW umbrella, the aim will be to build sustainable living and working environments free from the use of money as we know it today. It's revolutionary andambitious, but if you are like us, you will know that it is deeply necessary for a future of abundance for all.